

This is my first blog to write about Niigata, my hometown.



また、難しいことを長々と話すより簡単にパッと述べるほうが興味を持ちやすいのかな?とも思いこういった形に仕上げました。海外の方が少しでも新潟を知るいいきっかけになってもらえればと数打ちゃ当たるではないけど、こういった簡単な新潟の説明〈English Ver〉をこれから何回か投稿させてもらおうと思ってますので、よろしくお願いします。読んでいただけたら幸いです。


Hi everyone, nice to meet you. I'm Tomoya Homma.This is my first blog to write about Niigata, my hometown. 


First of all, I need to explain about Niigata. Niigata is one of the parts of prefecture in Japan. Everyone says its countryside.lol It's bit far from Tokyo, approximately 200-300km in the Northwest.
Then, it can be divided into roughly four parts. Kaetsu in the north part, Chuetsu in the middle part, Joetsu in the south part and the Island of Sado.
The capital of Niigata prefecture is city of Niigata, it's in the Kaetsu. In Joetsu, there are lots of ski resort and Nature. In terms of the Island of Sado, there are historical sites of gold and silver mines. And it's known for artificial breeding of Ibis(Nipponia Nippon) as well.

This time, I'll tell you about Nagaoka city in the Chuetsu, especially about " Fireworks in Nagaoka."
The reason why I chose " The Fireworks in Niigata" is really simple. I don't have bias or something like that. But I'm really proud of it, and love it as a citizen of Nagaoka. And I want everyone who doesn't know much about Niigata to take the first step in knowing about Niigata. Actually "The Fireworks in Nagaoka" is really famous in Japan. Almost hundreds of thousands of people come to Nagaoka in this season from everywhere in Japan. 

If you want to watch the video, you can search "Nagaoka Fireworks" in Google.lol Real viewing and just video are completely different though. You'll be moved by seeing it definitely. 

Sometimes people were cried by seeing "The Fireworks in Nagaoka." This is because of some thought putting into "The Fireworks in Nagaoka." Next time, I'll talked about it and the history of Nagaoka.

Anyway, it's really amazing so I want you to see it. The date is August 2nd and 3rd every year. It starts around 7 p.m. But I think it would be better to go there early if you can. Because there are many people for holding the spot. 
And there is also the eve of Nagaoka Fireworks. It's fun as well, lots of events there.

After coming to Toronto, I noticed that everyone doesn't know about Niigata at all. I know this is really tiny blog but I want to pull the trigger to transmit information about Niigata to people who are living in abroad across the Internet. 

As I have described previously, I'll talk about the history of Nagaoka and Fireworks next time. So see you soon. Thank you.

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